Thursday, September 10, 2009

2 days

2 days and I am not posting about the packing, the medical proxy, the filling of the freezer, the humanitarian aid, the excitement to bring Bella home, the fear of the unknown. No, I am writing about every day life with an athletic teenager. I woke up this morning way too early thinking about Andrew and this is my way of working it out.

The above picture was taken when he had a 103 fever. He was sick for a good 9 days. This was 2 weeks ago. He improved just in time to participate in soccer tryouts. He is a captain of his team and he takes it so seriously. First jamboree, 3 games, he collides with a boy from another team. The other boy loses several teeth and Andrew has an imprint on his forehead from those teeth. (First year that mouth guards are not required. Maybe they should rethink that.)

That was Friday of last week. Second scrimmage (please not... they have not even played an official game) a boy from the other team kicks his foot. So he has been nursing it. No big deal, right? Wrong. It really hurts. He has a really high threshold of pain. He had it x-rayed. Nothing. Doctor suspects it could be a stress fracture. Bone scan scheduled for next Tuesday. Where will we be???? Half the world away. So every morning, I ask and he tell improvement. None. Nada. Advil doesn't seem to help. Its not even swollen. He has not been able to practice. He is a bear. He is mopey. He is feeling like he is letting his team and coach down. he sits on the side and does sit ups and push ups. He site at the dinner table an has a ball cradled btwn his feet. What to do?

So this morning I could not sleep. Woke up and started to go through me emails. My devotional this morning is about... being in His peace when things go awry or are crazy. Okay that hit home. So this morning...I am putting one foot in front of the other. I am checking off my to do list. And I am going to stay in His peace. There is a great plan. Maybe it is some other young man's time to shine. It is Andrew's time to be quiet and watch from the side lines. (and who knows maybe its nothing:)


emily said...

Oh Jen, just keeping it exciting down to the last minute. Pray his foot is fine and will heal quickly. I'm so excited for you, your crew, sweet little B waiting for you to come, take her home. God will work out each and every detail- packing, feet, etc.

J Gutwein said...

Jen!! So excited for you guys. I just caught up on everything and I will be praying for Andrew and hope that the trip exceeds Eliza's expectations. Love, J

Tracy said...

I love the honesty of this post. I'll pray his foot heals soon!

Heidi said...

Oh, poor Andrew, and poor you having to worry about him so much right before your big trip. I hope his foot heals quickly.

I am late reading this and I think you are in Ethiopia now (yeah!) so I will be praying for all your children. Can't wait to hear about your trip and the new addition to your family!


Kristi J said...

oh , is almost here...praise God..I can't wait till she's in your excited for ya, kj

Tracy H. said...

Have some great pics of Eliza in ET. Would love to email them to you -

Sparkz said...

Welcome back! Hope you had a great trip!!