Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Acceleration and a Soccer Story

Z playing soccer.  The guy on the left is who he had to cover.  He is a good foot taller than Z.

I have to share another "Leap of Faith." My oldest (Rew) also plays soccer and recently made a switch from his team (the #2 team in all of MA) to another team. It was a very hard decision. It was such a talented team but he really did not care for the coach and the position he was playing. Without getting into too much of the why, it was simply not the healthiest place for him to be (ie boys-not him, but still- throwing up at practice because they were run so hard.) It was so scary for him to leave the team and we/he put his faith in the fact that God would watch over him and his decision. WOW! In two short weeks.. I am so grateful. God is so good. Why do I doubt? Rew loves his coach. He plays all 90 minutes in a position he loves. In addition to playing for his age group, he is playing for the older kids, too. Yes, it is not the second place team but it has amazing potential. The coach has already called a college coach about him. So, if you are doubting, I want you to know He is a loving and kind God. He will watch over you, also. It may not end up the way we first envision, but maybe it will be even better than we could imagine.

Acceleration.  The adoption.  What seemed to start so slowly seems to be accelerating.  Reference have started to come in.  All phase 1 documents are in.  I have started working on the Phase 2 documents.  As this continues, I still have to remind myself...in His time.  

1 comment:

Sparkz said...

I'm glad he likes his new team! It's amazing the things God does in our lives. He is SO good and faithful to us.

I'm glad your reference letters are staring to come in! Your getting closer!