Saturday, January 31, 2009

12, time, Slumdog Millionaire and facebook

Twelve weeks down.

We are waiting for the notarized copy of our addendum.  Can I rant?  It is one paragraph.  It has taken a month to write, review, tweak a few words, and rewrite.  A month.  I know, I is not that simple.  The past month has passed quickly but we are still paper chasing.  We expect to get the notarized copy to send to CIS this week.  Hopefully Gladney will also get their copy this week.  I am not sure when in the process that the infant requirement will get lifted.  I assume that once Gladney gets it and approves it, it is lifted.  Time takes on a different quality in the adoption process.  It is broken down into different stages of waiting.  Once you graduate from one the next is only harder.  Once you have seen the eyes and sweet face, I can only imagine that it gets harder.  We got a call from Gladney the average wait time has increased.  When we started it was 3-5m. Now it is 6 1/2 months.  I am busy with school, three active kids, and life, in general, so the time seems to pass effortlessly.  When I get a few quiet moments I think about little M and my heart hurts.  Are you being loved, Little M?  Are you grieving for your family?  Do you know that someone thinks that you are so special and so wonderful and have so much to offer? 

I saw Slum Dog Millionaire last night.  Powerful movie.  My heart was so tight afterwards.  Even with a seemingly happy ending, I wanted to cry.  It hit too close to home (having a sister who was an orphan from this area or was it because we are adopting).   

Facebook.  I signed up this week with Zach's help.  I really don't spend much time on it.  What I do love about it...I have connected with my best friend in 4th grade (Athens, Greece) and several from college.  What a nice gift.  

Gao, our Chinese exchange student, is wonderful.  He leaves this Friday.  He has kept us focused on the minutes of the moment.  Tomorrow will be his first Super Bowl.  Today he went tubing.  This past week he went to MIT.  Next week, Harvard.  

I loved this quote.  It made me smile.  Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead.  -Mac Mcleary


emily said...

You are waiting with grace--it is odd that it takes that long to change one thing. His timing.

Off to see if you will be my friend! :)

Nicholas said...

I'm going to friend you but I must first warn you!

I'm on fb to be a big fat goofball so I could scare you and change your opinion of me! ;)

You're doing great w/the wait. It was harder but easier once we got pictures. We had lots to do to get ready so that was a nice distraction and it was nice to have lists again and feel SOME level of control. And there is one thing about international adoption that parents have nothing of; control. It's so hard!

Lori S said...

Hey...can I be your friend too?!

Get addicted to'll make the time go quicker--as if you need another distraction! (o:

Kristi J said...

I'm going to have to steal that quote...such a good one!! and I"m needing to remember that great gift God gave me of patience right now...thanks for the reminder :)kristi

Adoption Cubed said...

I became so much more aware of time and the paradox of how it seems to move so quickly and then stand still at the same time. And it is amazing how much your life can seem focused around one piece of paper. I hear your frustration. And yes, you need to vent at times. Hang in there!!!

I need to make time to go see "Slumdog Millionaire" in the theater. I hear nothing but great things.

Kristi J said...

thanks for your sweet comment...We're still here waiting...hopefully they'll call today...Surely this can't go on much longer :) kristi

Sparkz said...

Another week closer! :) I hated doing all that paperwork! I can't imagine going through CIS twice... Would I do it again? Yes, but not for a little while!

As far as the wait being worse once you receive your referral... for us it was not this way at all. After seeing our babys face it has been so much easier. We know who we are waiting for and it fills us with so much hope. I can buy more specific things for him and pray specifically for him, it all has been much easier. The only surprise was how much he has changed, I hate that we're missing that but it means were getting closer to being with him.

I love the quote! It is awesome!

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