Then I went into work (part time fun job at Williams-Sonoma) only to discover that a friend at work who's sons go to the same school in Boston as mine is in the hospital with renal failure. She has not been sick. She is 46. I prayed for her all night and before I got out of bed this morning. I pray that her four children will not be left motherless. hmmmm
I also pray for the birth mother of our next child (God willing). I pray that she knows that we will love and care for her baby as the treasure that he/she is. I pray that God gives her peace and comfort in these days that will have such an impact on her and her child's life. hmmmm
So what am I missing? At the moment, I am acutely aware of people suffering. At the moment, I pray. The juxtaposition of life and death is not lost on me. Is there a deeper message?
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