Monday, June 30, 2008

Final Exam

I am one class down and a few more to go.  

When I was in college (College of William and Mary in Virginia) my parents made the mistake of suggesting that I go to medical school.  I, therefore, majored in International Relations and minored in Art History and learned a very valuable parenting lesson.  Could there be anything further away from medicine?  So almost 20 years later, I am going back to nursing school.  I want to teach and go on missions.  I want to work in the NICU.  

So, that brings me to today.  I just finished my Nutrition class.  I loved it and I got an A (yeah!!!!).  Next up, Anatomy and Physiology I.  I am a little nervous about the timing of the baby and the class, but if I have to withdraw, it will be for a great reason!!!  I'll take a bit off and then finish the prerequisites at night when Jason will be home.  Everything that I learned is applicable to our lives now.  There also was a section on malnutrition.  I might need that in the next few weeks.

The kids are so excited that I am back in school.  It is a new side to mom.  It is also a vauable distraction for the time being.

1 comment:

Faith said...

I saw you on the FBI list. I'm Grace's sister (and an aunt again!) I'm a NICU nurse and I love it. Congrats on going back again! Also on getting a new baby.