Tuesday, August 19, 2008


J and I celebrated our anniversary this weekend.  We had a quiet night out.  It goes without saying we had a great night.  I have the most fun when we are doing next to nothing and can talk and laugh.  We do love movies, fun activities, tours, and exploring, but when it comes right down to it, when we there is nothing but the two of us, we have just as much fun.  This next year will hold so much for us (love, adventure, healthy dose of fear of the unexpected and unknown, and faith).

The kids are predicting whether they will have a sister or a brother or both.  They all want and think that we will get siblings.  This is the breakout:

A:  8m girl and 2y boy
E:  10m girl and 2y boy
Z:  18m boy and 3y girl
mom: 10m boy and 3y girl
dad:  4m boy and 2y girl

So I pressed them for what they think the baby will be if it is just one.  This is the break out:
A:  6m girl
E:  8m girl
Z: 18m boy
mom:  6m boy
dad:  7m girl

Just dreaming!  

1 comment:

Sparkz said...

Well I guess consensus has it. If you are referred 2 you'll have a boy AND a girl!